Cimtec Automation Blog

Monday, July 23, 2012

Cognex DataMan 300 & 302 Achieves Higher Read Rates

The new DataMan 300 series barcode readers from Cognex allow you to take a quantum leap in reading performance. Become more efficient and achieve higher read rates with the DataMan 300 and 302 unit.Dataman 300

The new DataMan 300 series of readers was developed to handle the difficult-to-read DPM (Direct Part Mark) codes as well as provide high read rates for challenging 1-D barcodes and 2-D Data Matrix codes.

  • 1DMax+™ with Hotbars™ technology provides higher read rates of damaged 1-D linear barcodes at a faster pace than ever before.

  • Controllable, field interchangeable lighting modules allow you to create the best possible lighting for your part, ensuring the highest read rates.

  • Intelligent tuning automatically adjusts the settings of the integrated lighting to find the optimal light setup for the part.

Additional Features and Benefits:

  • Enhanced 1DMax+ and 2DMax+ code-reading algorithms for reading the most challenging 1-D and 2-D codes

  • Flexible lens options C-Mount lens, S-Mount or a variable focus liquid lens to provide maximum depth of field flexibility? One reader does it all!

  • Cognex Connect communications suite supports industrial protocols as well as RS-232 connectivity for integration into legacy systems.

DataMan 300 series is available in two base models:

DataMan 300 : 800 x 600 pixels
DataMan 302 : 1280 x 1024 pixels

And with two algorithm options:

'L' for 1-D codes and 'X' for 1-D and 2-D codes.

So the four complete models are: DataMan 300L (DMR-300L-00), 300X (DMR-300X-00), 302L (DMR-302L-00), and 302X (DMR-302X-00).

The DataMan 302 is ideal for reading for reading very small DPM codes in a large field of view or on small components. Click here for more information on the fixed mount ID readers!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cimtec 3D Surface Inspection

For the full-length version of the video, click here.

Cimtec Engineered Products is pleased to announce the release of 'Cimtec3D' software paired with 3D laser line profile sensors and cameras.  This capability allows us and our customers to move beyond the traditional 2D image inspection to the realm of true 3 dimensional surface inspection.

The 3D laser line profile sensors and cameras provide a scan of the part or surface outputting the full x, y, and z data to Cimtec3D.  They are precalibrated sensors that house the camera imager and laser line generator together for very precise real-world readings.  Cimtec3D has the ability to view and analyze a surface profile-by-profile, or stitch them altogether to view as a 'whole part' scan in a 16-bit grayscale image.  Statistical analysis and other image preprocessing is also applied to the image for nominal surface detection.

The 3D inspection finds surface flaws and reports their location in x, y, and z along with size characteristics such as:  area, length, elongation, spread, and volume.  After inspection, you have the ability to save the 16-bit images with or without the graphical results, and the ability to save the data to csv file.

Lastly, the GUI can be customized for your application and need, including a run-time display with operator interface.

Please contact your Cimtec representative today for more information or click here.