Cimtec Automation Blog

Monday, September 16, 2013

Learn more about using Industrial PCs

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With the recent launch of the new Computer Dynamics website, we have added a blog which already has several articles of interest for people using, or planning to use PCs for monitoring and control in an Industrial environment.  For example, we have already posted articles about using Windows XP (which will soon go end of life) in the Industrial space, as well as articles on processor performance to help you understand how to choose the right processor for your application.  There is also an article on different touchscreen and display technologies which serves as a primer for the several viable technologies available today and describes why you might choose one technology over another for a given environment.  For an example article on display and touchscreen technologies, head over to  From there you will find all of the articles referenced above as well as additional content as we add more topics regularly.  If you haven't already, head on over to as well to view the products in the Computer Dynamics line.