Cimtec Automation Blog
Showing posts with label laser. Show all posts
Showing posts with label laser. Show all posts

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Camber Inspection System (CIS) from Cimtec Engineered Products

Often during manufacturing process of bars, beams and machined parts maintaining a tight tolerance for straightness, run out and roundness is required. Automating this inspection process can improve productivity, efficiency, quality and throughput.

The Cimtec Camber Inspection System (CIS) utilizes a high accuracy SICK laser based sensor to measure the distance from a fixed position on the users machine to the part to be inspected. As in the most recent example of a bar straightening system for major metals manufacturer in North Carolina, the sensor head was mounted to the ram of the hydraulic press for straightening large diameter metal bars.

During the straightening operation the system performed two (2) full rotations and provided a stop signal to alert the customer’s machine controller of a high or low point during the product rotation. A Horner PLC with integral HMI coordinated the dimensional measurement information and displayed the results to the operator.

The Camber Inspection System (CIS) interprets analog signals from the SICK DT20 HI high accuracy Laser based sensor. This allows the system to determine the high and low positions throughout the product rotation very quickly and accurately. The Camber Inspection System (CIS) can be easily programmed and provides simple product set up selection for the operator.

A visual indicator light and option for audible alarm is also provided to alert the operator when the high or low point is identified around the product circumference. The physical mounting considerations take into account the potentially harsh working environment. The controls are typically housed in a NEMA 4X cabinet capable of being mounted at a typical operator control station.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cimtec 3D Surface Inspection

For the full-length version of the video, click here.

Cimtec Engineered Products is pleased to announce the release of 'Cimtec3D' software paired with 3D laser line profile sensors and cameras.  This capability allows us and our customers to move beyond the traditional 2D image inspection to the realm of true 3 dimensional surface inspection.

The 3D laser line profile sensors and cameras provide a scan of the part or surface outputting the full x, y, and z data to Cimtec3D.  They are precalibrated sensors that house the camera imager and laser line generator together for very precise real-world readings.  Cimtec3D has the ability to view and analyze a surface profile-by-profile, or stitch them altogether to view as a 'whole part' scan in a 16-bit grayscale image.  Statistical analysis and other image preprocessing is also applied to the image for nominal surface detection.

The 3D inspection finds surface flaws and reports their location in x, y, and z along with size characteristics such as:  area, length, elongation, spread, and volume.  After inspection, you have the ability to save the 16-bit images with or without the graphical results, and the ability to save the data to csv file.

Lastly, the GUI can be customized for your application and need, including a run-time display with operator interface.

Please contact your Cimtec representative today for more information or click here.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sick Safety Scanner for multiple field protection

For mobile applications like AGV's where field of view for safety must change based upon speed or direction or for fixed mount where field of view changes on the state of the machine's operation,  Sick's laser based safety scanners are a great fit.  The Sick safety line offers:
  • Easy Integration
  • Wide product options to fit budget and technical requirements
  • Long history of success in industrial applications.

Full PDF